My own experiences with using Technology😓😑 


   Why and for what purpose did I decide to create my own blog? Because of my terrifying background experiences with both technology and learning, I suffered a lot for being a non-technic student and came across many obstacles during my academic year of learning. Unfortunately, as an educator, I still had the same problem as before. Being a good teacher means making your teaching colorful and productive rather than testing your learners only on paper-based methods of checking. Feeling this responsibility, I frequently attempted to make my lessons more interactive by searching for and printing tons of interactive activities. It was really both time- and money-consuming that I suffered physically and financially right away.I could not manage to find any supporting hands, and I could clearly remember the feeling of adversity at that time.

    After exploring this sphere and reading various materials, I was able to recognize the fact that I was not alone in possessing such technological problems or difficulties. The recent investigation by Patel (2021) represented the seven greatest challenges that educational organizations are currently facing  

Table of Contents

    Analyzing all seven one by one, it should be mentioned that among the challenges, two of them refer to the teacher's perspective. Both of the hardships are attributed to a lack of professional and personal training in the field of high technology. For that reason, the blog is aimed at guiding you to use and implement different educational tools in your classroom to make your lessons more interactive. Also, it benefits you to practice and challenge the expertise you have learned right away.  

 So I am here, with helpful hands, to assist you in achieving your both modern and smart educator status in the field of teaching. I am really glad to support and encourage you to become techno-genius.


                             AI and Me 💣

AI (artificial intelligence) is acknowledged as the basis for mimicking human intelligence processes through the creation and application of algorithms built into a dynamic computing environment. Simply put,  AI is trying to make computers think and act like humans. To tell the truth, I am a novice user on this site, and I don't have any recognizable experience with it. I have a desire to explore its benefits while I am working on my research. Moreover, after discovering its main features and capacities, I also have a big intention to implement it into my teaching.
While reading about the diverse challenges of using ChatGPT in education, I found four main ones. They are:
Student cheating. Students might use AI to solve homework problems or take quizzes.
Privacy concerns. When students or educators interact with generative-AI tools, their conversations and personal information might be stored and analyzed, posing a risk to their privacy.
Decreased social connection. There is a risk that more time spent using AI systems will come at the cost of less student interaction with both educators and classmates. Children may also begin turning to these conversational AI systems in place of their friends.
Over reliance on technology. Both teachers and students face the risk of becoming overly reliant on AI-driven technology. For students, this could stifle learning, especially the development of critical thinking. 
 Frederick Hess, director of education policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, similarly asserts that “successful schools are inevitably the product of the relationships between adults and students. When technology ignores that, it’s bound to disappoint. But when it’s designed to offer more coaching, free up time for meaningful teacher-student interaction, or offer students more personalized feedback, technology can make a significant, positive difference.


Alqahtani, J.S., Mendes, R.G., Triches, M.I., de Oliveira Sato, T., Sreedharan, J.K., Aldhahir, A.M., Alqarni, A.A., Purnama Raya, R., Alkhathami, M., Jebakumar, A.Z., AlAyadi, A.Y., Alsulayyim, A.S., Alqahtani, A.S., Alghamdi, S.M., AlDraiwiesh, I.A., Alnasser, M., Siraj, R.A., Naser, A.Y., Alwafi, H. and AlRabeeah, S.M. (2023). Perspectives, practices, and challenges of online teaching during COVID-19 pandemic: A multinational survey. Heliyon, [online] 9(8), p.e19102. doi:

Hess, F.M. (2023). AI Isn’t the Problem. It’s How We Use It, Especially in Schools. [online] Medium. Available at: [Accessed 14 Dec. 2023].