Article Review 



An article review.                                                                             

The article "Blended Learning: An Innovative Approach” by Lalima and Kiran Lata Dangwai (2017) intends to discuss the conceptions of blended learning by analyzing its special features, which also allow readers to come across the pros and cons of this type of learning. Furthermore, the pepper investigates ways of adapting blended learning to both the teaching process and the classroom. On the other hand, the consequences of blended learning based on teaching and learning perceptions have been explored as well.

The author of the article started the investigation by analyzing the variations in the traditional way of teaching instead of the blended one. Despite the various shortcomings, such as the failure of individual needs and challenges or, much more, the teacher-centered audience, the traditional way of teaching is still estimated as a developer of the proper personality. The main reason for this is that this way of teaching is shown to be an easy way to develop social cognitive skills that assist the learners in enhancing their real-life cooperating, sharing, expressing, and respecting skills. The study by Ahmed (2022) also indicates the other outcome: that the traditional way of teaching can provide a face-to-face connection within guidance so that instructors are able to give straightforward suggestions for finding acceptable solutions to the problems. (Abdulrahman, 2022)

The next debate is about blended learning, and the author prefers to start within the definition of this concept. Due to the provided clarification, blended learning is acknowledged as a process of incorporating both face-to-face and ICT learning where the learners have opportunities to take advantage in these two ways. On the first option, the author indicates the student's presence during the lesson, which is encouraged within ICT materials and leads to three main types of interactions. They are face-to-face, group, teacher, and student interactions, and they all let the learners feel a human touch to the process. The approach shares the chance to improve learners two main productive and receptive skills in confident and effective ways. As far as ICT-supported real-life lessons, they frequently approve of the students experiencing interaction by being members of the group. Appanna (2008) indicates in her study that the learners consequently overcame their hesitancy by being both good listeners and communicators, which enabled them to become self-confident. (Subhashni Appanna, 2008)

  Attempting to keep the balance between the two processes of teaching, the author also indicates the veracity of the beneficial outcomes of virtual learning. Virtual learning, due to its own meaning, is acknowledged as computer-based learning where the student's participation is not too obligatory. The author outlines a diversity of opportunities in the sphere of virtual learning; its main comfortability is outlined based on its flexibility, and the learners have the option to learn anywhere, anytime, or from anyone through the viewing of expert lectures on YouTube. Moreover, being a member of any kind of virtual classroom provides a magnificent opportunity to access an e-library. The author thinks that the member students get access to different, updated books, which are surely limited in a school library. The virtual library was also indicated by the website Mintbook (2020) as a facilitator of interaction between readers and administrators, which leads to setting up virtual communication. The communication, which is based on real-time, provides opportunities for the readers to get essential and additional information about either books or articles that they desire in a short amount of time. (Mintbook, 2020)

  While outlining the other consequences of e-learning, the author also emphasized two main discussion platforms, which are called educational blogs or webinars. By utilizing either blogs or webinars, the students have a great chance to participate in diverse online discussions or conferences with their own ideas and thoughts. Websites are estimated to be learning spaces for any kind of concept virtually, and the study by NSU (2019) emphasized that e-learning sites facilitate the experience of attempting the subject matter through interactive techniques such as video, audio, and interactive activities. (NSU, 2019)

The next idea about virtual learning by the author seemed to me to be the most intriguing and unusual one when I analyzed it. The author mentioned the virtual library in his work as a means of "safe" exploration or discovery, meaning that the learners have the capability to learn needed skills without any dangerous experiences or equipment. The author mentioned the virtual library in his work as a means of "safe" exploration or discovery, meaning that the learners have the capability to learn needed skills without any dangerous experiences or equipment. Moreover, according to Aseem (2023), virtual labs maintain both learners' and teachers' awareness of the least technological alteration, and they will get the chance to utilize them during the learning process. (Assem, 2023)When the author gave the characteristics of blended learning due to its special features that influence students' perceptions, there were several that were counted. Here, the students have the choice between two modes; they might select either a participatory way of learning that is based on both teacher and student attendance that is ICT-supported learning or take full advantage of virtual learning.

Moreover, the learners have a very good chance to develop their capability of using technology, which will also enhance their different life skills. The author gives an example of how using different blogs or participating in online conferences can help students improve their communication, self-management, and critical-thinking skills.

Also, blended learning involves constructive learning theory, where the students construct the knowledge they gain instead of just consuming it. While there is an attempt to construct one's own way of learning, the author mentioned that the teacher-centered learning atmosphere alters into student-centered. According to Rao (2022), student-centered teaching and learning forces students to be more attentive so that they can show their agreement and disagreement with the situation or the conflicts. (RAO, 2022)

As it was mentioned above, virtual e-learning means teaching and learning with a world-wide scope where students all over the world are gathered on one screen and exchange different notions and ideas for solving major social problems. This way of discussing provides the chance to make the learning and teaching process multicultural. This way of discussing provides the chance to make the learning and teaching process multicultural. The investigation by Rawashdeh et al. (2021) finds that e-learning shares various benefits, such as flexibility, practicability, and collaborative relations, that lead to promoting centralized learning and simplicity in the learning process. This way of discussing provides the chance to make the learning and teaching process multicultural. The investigation by Rewashed et al. (2021) finds that e-learning shares various benefits, such as flexibility, practicability, and collaborative relations, that lead to promoting centralized learning and simplicity in the learning process.(Al Rawashdeh, 2021) 

The author of this article widely described the current modern way of teaching and learning by mentioning its main features, advantages, and shortcomings according to educational and student perceptions. The thoughts in this article are explained properly within different examples and justifications. It assisted me in getting a full view of blended learning so that I could implement it in my further teaching process, making my lesson much more interactive.


I found this video about blended learning very informative and would like to share it with you. Enjoy watching.


Reference list

Abdulrahman , A. (2022). Traditional learning and E learning. [online] Research Gate. Available at: [Accessed 1 Dec. 2023].

Al Rawashdeh, A.Z. (2021). Advantages and Disadvantages of Using e-Learning in University Education: Analyzing Students’ Perspectives. [online] The Electronic Journal of e-Learning. Available at: [Accessed 1 Dec. 2023].

Assem, S. (2023). The Most Important Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Laboratory. Available at: [Accessed 1 Dec. 2023].

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RAO, N.K. (2022). ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF STUDENT CENTERED LEARNING. Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL), 8(ISSN:2395-2636 (P);), pp.132–134. doi:

Subhashni Appanna (2008). A Review of Benefits and Limitations of Online Learning in the Context of the Student, the Instructor and... [online] ResearchGate. Available at:

 Rashid , M.B. (2016). What is…Blended Learning? [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Dec. 2023].